- Three Preludes for piano (1963)
- Scherzo for clarinet and piano (1963)
- Four Pieces for trombone and piano (1964)
- Overture “Heroic” — “12th April (Geroicheskaja” — “12-e Aprelja)” for orchestra (1964)
- Overture “Festival (Prazdnichnaja)” for orchestra (1964) Violin Concerto No. 2 (1964)
- Five Preludes and Nineteen Concert Fugues for piano (1964)
New version in 1984: Fifteen Concert Fugues.
- “The Autumnal (Osennee)” for chorus (1964)
On text by V. Firsov (in Russian).
- “The Sparkling World (Blistajushchij mir)”, musical play with ballet (1962-1965)
After Aleksandr Grin.
Production: Crimean Music-Drama Theater of Simferopol.
- Concerto for trumpet and jazz orchestra (1965)
- Symphony No. 11 (1965)
- Cycle of Symphonies Nos. 11-14 “Accomplished (Sovershishasja)» for soloists, chorus and orchestra (1965-1966)
After the Bible (Four Gospels and Psalm 117).
In ten movements with chorus in the Finale:
1. “Because God has Loved the World so Much (Ibo tak vozljubil Bog Mir)»
2. “Theirs Is the Kingdom of Heaven (Takovykh jest’ Carstvo Nebesnoe)”
3. “In Hebrew, in Greek, In Roman (Po-Evrejski, Po-Grecheski, Po-Rimski)»
4. “It is Accomplished (Sovershilos’)”
5. “He Who Was Pierced Through (Tot, Kotorogo pronzili)”
6. “Beating Himself with the Fist on the Chest (Udarjaja Sebja Kulakom v Grud’)»
7. “With Clothes, Embrocated by Ointments (Odezhdami, Smochennymi Aromatami)”
8. “He is Not Here. He is Resurrected (Ego zdes’ net. On voskres)”
9. “They Always Were in Church (Byli Vsegda v Cerkvi)”
10. “In the Glory of His Father (V slave Otca Svoego)”
- Music to the Film «Ordinary Fascism (Obyknovennyj fashizm)» (1965-1966)
Produced by M. Romm.
- Stabat mater for solists, chorus and orchestra (1967)
- Piano Concerto No. 3 «Ave Maria» (1968)
In three movements:
1. Allegretto — 12’29»
2. Largo — 6’16»
3. Andantino — 14’37»
CD Marco Polo 8.223796: Moscow SO, A. de Almeida (cond), V. Viardo (piano)
- “Requiem” for soloists, chorus and orchestra (1971)
Orchestral version in 1991.
- Symphonies Nos. 15-16 “In Amorem Et Vivificantem” (1974)
- “Remembrances (Vospominanija)» for chorus (1974)
On text by Alla Sampurova (in Russian).
- Symphony No. 17 «America» (1975)
- “Return”, “Dedication”, “Flying Leaves”, “Images-Pictures» («Vozvrashchenie”, “Posvjaschenija”, “Letjashchie listki”, “Obrazy-kartiny”), choral cycles (1975)
On texts by Alla Sampurova (in Russian).
- “To You (Tebe)”, seven songs (romances) for coloratura soprano and piano (1975)
On texts by Alla Sampurova (in Russian).
- Four Romances on verses by Russian poets for bass and piano (1975)
- “Stars (Zvezdy)», vocal cycle for medium-range voice and piano (1975)
On verses by S. Shchipachev (in Russian).
- Cycle of Symphonies Nos. 18-23 “Was (Byst’)” (1976-1980)
After St. John’s Revelation in New Testament.
“Poema Pobedy”; “Poem of Victory”
- Symphony No. 18 «To He Who loves us (Lubjashchu ny)” (1980)
“Putjami svershenij”; “Roads of Accomplishments”
- Symphony No. 19 “Blood of the Lamb (Kroviju Agncheju)” (1976)
“Pobede rozhdennyj” or “Rozhdennye dlja pobedy”; “Born to Victory” or “The Born for Victory”
- Symphony No. 20 «Blessed are the Death (Blazhennii mertvii)» (1977-1978)
“Velikaja zhertva”; “Great Sacrifice”
CD Olympia OCD 486: USSR Radio SO, V. Fedoseyev (cond)
- Symphony No. 21 “The Great City (Grad Velij)” (1978)
“Vsego Prevyshe”; “Higher Than All»
- Symphony No. 22 “Let It Be (Byst’)” (1980)
CD Decca 452 850 2: Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, Vladimir Ashkenazy (cond)
- Symphony No. 23 “I am Jesus (Az Iisus)» (1980)
“Reborn from the Ashes” or “The Risen from the Ashes”.
CD Decca 452 850 2: Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, Vladimir Ashkenazy (cond)
CD Olympia OCD 486: USSR Radio SO, V. Fedoseyev (cond)
- “Fountain of Love (Fontan lubvi)”, musical (1982)
After A. Pushkin’s poem “Bahcisaray Fountain (Bakhchisarajskij fontan)”.
- «Crimean (Krymskaja)», overture for orchestra (1982)
- “Adzhimushkaj Legend-Fact (Legenda-byl’ Adzhimushkaja)» for soloists, chorus and orchestra (1983)
On text by B. Serman (in Russian).
- Symphony No. 24 “Adzhimushkaj” (1983)
- «Spring (Vesennjaja)» for orchestra (1984)
- Music to the Film «Strategy of the victory (Strategija pobedy)» (1985)
- Music to the Film «Love with Privileges (Ljubov’s privelegijami)» (1989)
Produced by V.Kuchins’ky.
National Anthem of Crimean Republic.
- “Khersones”, mysteries (1994)