1934 — 2007



A. Karamanov.

People’s Artist, Member of the Union of Composers of the USSR, Author of the National Anthem of the Republic of Crimea, Laureate of the National Prize. Taras Shevchenko, creator of 24 symphonies, including “SOVERSHISHESIA”, “STABAT MATER”, “REQUIEM”, “Chersonese”, Founder of the musical direction “Religion in symphonism”.

list of prominent figures and performers
creative heritage
A. S. Karamanova

Representatives of the board of trustees of the composer’s creative heritage.


Fedoseev Vladimir Ivanovich

Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the P. I. Tchaikovsky Great Symphony Orchestra

Spivakov Vladimir Teodorovich

People's Artist of the USSR. Winner of the USSR State Prize. Laureate of the State Prize of Russia

Sokolov Alexander Sergeevich

Minister of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation in 2004–2008, Professor and Rector of the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky



Krylatov Evgeny Pavlovich

People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Winner of the USSR State Prize. Laureate of the President of the Russian Federation

Ashkenazi Vladimir Davidovich

Conductor, pianist. Sevenfold Grammy Award Winner.

Bushkov Evgeny Robertovich

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Chief Conductor of the EF Svetlanov Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia

Klochkova Elena Viktorovna

Candidate of Art Criticism, Associate Professor of Higher Attestation Commission, Professor, Laureate of International Competitions Director of TsPRSI; Alemdar Karamanov




Alexander Zhigun

Conductor. Honored Artist of Ukraine.

Kazinik Mikhail Semenovich

Art critic

Rumshitsky Boris Teodorovich

Director of the Tauride Club, Russian producer.

Son Semyon Avangardovich

Pianist, composer, professor

Diemecke Enrique

Conductor of the Symphony Orchestra of Buenos Aires

Ziva Vladimir Petrovich

Chief Conductor of the Moscow Symphony Orchestra

Alexander Titov Veniaminovich

Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the State Academic Symphony Orchestra

Vorona Valeriy Iosifovich

Rector GMPI them. MM Ippolitova-Ivanova, a famous musician, teacher and public figure.

Vasiliev Dmitry Vladimirovich

Conductor and artistic director of the Omsk Academic Symphony Orchestra. Honored Worker of Culture

Kochnev Yury Leonidovich

Conductor, People's Artist of the RSFSR, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation

Shulcis Alvydas

Botvinov Alexey Ivanovich

Botvinov Alexey Ivanovich

Pianist, People's Artist of Ukraine.

Gulbis Eduard Nikolaevich

Conductor. Winner of international competitions.

Currentzis Theodore

Artistic Director of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater named after Tchaikovsky
Gornostaeva Vera Vasilyevna

Gornostaeva Vera Vasilyevna

Professor and Head of the Special Piano Department of the Moscow Conservatory
People’s Artist, Member of the Union of Composers of the USSR, Author of the National Anthem of the Republic of Crimea, Laureate of the National Prize. Taras Shevchenko, creator of 24 symphonies, including “SOVERSHISHESIA”, “STABAT MATER”, “REQUIEM”, “Chersonese”, Founder of the musical direction “Religion in symphonism”.


Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich

This is an interesting and original talent, and its originality can not be overlooked even in student work.

Alfred Garrievich Schnittke

He created the most wonderful symphonic works that influenced me in my youth and have an impact now. Alemdar Karamanov is not just a great talent. He is a genius!

George Vasilyevich Sviridov

The works of A. Karamanov make a very vivid impression. He undoubtedly has a strong, original talent.

Yuri Nikolaevich Kholopov

Alemdar Karamanov was perhaps one of the first to express the general tendency of the postavanguard — a departure from its extremes towards moderation and greater tradition.

Yuri Markovich Butsko

This is a special talent of the composer, original and not imitating any direction from those that are formed around him.

Mikhail Semenovich Kazinik

In the music of Karamanov, all tired classical music rests. It is transformed into a single fabric. She becomes a member of a single and important movement — «The Birth of God.»

People’s Artist, Member of the Union of Composers of the USSR, Author of the National Anthem of the Republic of Crimea, Laureate of the National Prize. Taras Shevchenko, creator of 24 symphonies, including “SOVERSHISHESIA”, “STABAT MATER”, “REQUIEM”, “Chersonese”, Founder of the musical direction “Religion in symphonism”.


Antonio de Almeida

French conductor and musicologist. He headed the Stuttgart Philharmonic Orchestra, in 1965-1967. worked at the Paris Opera. In 1971-1978 Principal Conductor of the Nice Philharmonic Orchestra.

Adygezalov Yalchin

Conductor, People’s Artist of Azerbaijan, professor. Artistic director and chief conductor of the Azerbaijan State Symphony Orchestra. Uz Gadzhibekova

Antonenko Nikolay

Conductor, artistic director of the Crimean Symphony Orchestra

Ashkenazi Vladimir

Artistic director and conductor of the London Philharmonic Orchestra, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (1987-1994), the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra, and the Berlin Radio Orchestra.

Bushkov Eugene

Chief Conductor of the Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Saratov Regional Philharmonic Society. Schnittke.

Valeev Vyacheslav

Artistic director and conductor of the Moscow Conservatory Symphony Orchestra.

Vasilyev Dmitry

Chief conductor of the Omsk Symphony Orchestra.

Glushchenko Fedor

Chief Conductor of the National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine.

Gulyanitsky Alexey

Chief conductor and artistic director of the Symphony Orchestra of the Crimean Philharmonic.

Gulbis Edward

Conductor. Winner of international competitions.

Dolinsky Alexander

Laureate of S. Prokofiev Prize, Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Crimean State Philharmonic

Yerzhemsky George

Artistic Director and Conductor of the St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra.

Zhigun Alexander

The main conductor of the choir «Pochayna».

Zhuraitis Algis

People’s Artist of the RSFSR. Winner of the State Prize of the USSR, the conductor of the Bolshoi Theater.

Ziva Vladimir

Chief conductor of the St. Petersburg Opera and Ballet Theater. M.P. Mussorgsky

Kazhdan Igor

Chief conductor of the Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Crimean State Philharmonic.

Komlev Felix

Conductor of the Symphony Orchestra of the Voronezh Philharmonic.

Kochnev Yuri

Artistic director and chief conductor of the Saratov Opera and Ballet Theater.

Krimets Konstantin

Artistic Director and Conductor of the USSR State Symphony Orchestra.

Mansurov Fuat

Conductor of the Bolshoi Theater, Professor of the Moscow State Conservatory.

Vladimir Ponkin

Chief Conductor of the Krakow Philharmonic Orchestra, Chief Conductor of the National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Russia. N. P. Osipova.

Provatorov Gennady

Head of the State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater of the Belarusian SSR, conductor of the State Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus.

Sveshnikov Alexander

Conductor of the State Russian Choir (named after Sveshnikov), People’s Artist of the USSR, Laureate of the Stalin Prize.

Sirenko Vladimir

Chief Conductor and Artistic Director of the National Honored Academic Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine, Professor at the Department of Opera and Symphonic

Skripnik Sergey

Chief Conductor of the State Academic Musical Theater
Republic of Crimea.

Solti Georg

Head of the London Royal Opera, Head of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and the London Philharmonic Orchestra.

Spivakov Vladimir

Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia and the Moscow Virtuosi State Chamber Orchestra, President of the Moscow International House of Music

Tabakov Emil

Chief Conductor of the Bulgarian National Symphony Orchestra, Minister of Culture of Bulgaria.

Alexander Titov

Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the St. Petersburg State Academic Symphony Orchestra.

Fedoseev Vladimir

Artistic director and chief conductor of the Bolshoi Symphony Orchestra named after P. Tchaikovsky.

Khachaturian Emin

Conductor of the orchestra of the Bolshoi Theater of the USSR, People’s Artist of the RSFSR.

Shulcis Alvydas

Artistic director and conductor of the Lithuanian Opera and Ballet Theater.

Sheyko Vladimir

Artistic director and chief conductor of the Honored Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Ukrainian Radio, People’s Artist of Ukraine.

Platonov Valery

Chief conductor of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater named after P. Tchaikovsky.

Elia Muhterem

Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the State Academic Musical Theater of the Republic of Crimea

Vladimir Kontarev

Artistic director and chief conductor of the State Chamber Choir and the Yaroslavia Philharmonic Choir Chapel.

People’s Artist, Member of the Union of Composers of the USSR, Author of the National Anthem of the Republic of Crimea, Laureate of the National Prize. Taras Shevchenko, the creator of 24 symphonies, including “SOVERSHISHESIA”, “STABAT MATER”, “REKVIEM”, “Chersonese”, the Founder of the musical direction “Religion in Symphony”.



In the Crimea in 1996 was organized International Competition for Young Pianists named after Alemdar Karamanov.

The competition was founded to popularize Alemdar piano works Sabitovich Karamanov.

Today the competition has the status of academic and one of the three most serious contests, certified for full compliance international requirements.

Since then, its participants have become more 400 young pianists from 23 countries of the world, including including from Russia, China, Japan, South Korea.




Greeting of the Head of the Republic of Crimea to the participants, organizers and guests of the anniversary X International Competition of Young Pianists named after Alemdar Karamanov.


I cordially greet the participants, organizers and guests of the anniversary X International Competition of Young Pianists named after Alemdar Karamanov!


The language of music does not require translation, it unites peoples and their traditions, teaches the ideals of goodness, love and harmony.

Crimea has always been a source of inspiration for many artists of different nationalities.

Your competition provides an excellent opportunity to touch the work of one of the most talented composers of our time — Crimean Alemdar Sabitovich Karamanov.


I am convinced that this forum will give every participant unforgettable moments of creative growth, will contribute to spiritual and cultural enrichment, will open up new opportunities for the development of their talents to pianists from different regions of Russia and abroad.


I wish you inspiration, new creative victories, peace and kindness!

Head of the Republic of Crimea
Chairman of the Council of Ministers
Republic of Crimea
Sergey Aksenov


Dear friends!

On behalf of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea, I congratulate the participants and organizers of the 10th anniversary International Competition of Young Pianists named after Alemdar Karamanov with his discovery.

Since 1996, this vibrant musical event has traditionally been held on the blessed Crimean land, which was a source of inspiration for the work of Karamanov, who became the true heritage of contemporaries and descendants.

This competition of piano music gained prestige and recognition not only in the Crimea, but also far beyond its borders and became one of the most prestigious and well-known creative competitions.

Today he has reached a qualitatively new level and has become a real school of creative excellence for young pianists, and for the most talented and goal-oriented — a ticket to a large concert activity.

I am sure that this anniversary competition will be a real music festival and will give listeners vivid impressions and meetings, will open new names.

I sincerely wish all young pianists creative inspiration, elation, fighting spirit and courage, because to achieve victory is not easy, and their mentors are worthy and bright performances of students!

Let this musical championship become for the contestants a runway to the musical heights and a step on the stages of the most prestigious concert halls!


Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea

Vladimir Konstantinov


Dear friends!


Please accept my sincere congratulations on the 10th anniversary of the International Competition of Performing Arts named. Alemdar Karamanov.

The idea of ​​creating such an event, which has been held consistently for the past twenty years and promotes academic musical art, unites young talents and reveals bright talents, is remarkable.

I am sure that the enthusiasm of the organizers of the competition, their dedicated work, perseverance, as well as talent and faith in the ideals of the musical art of the forum participants are the factors that are necessary to maintain and enhance the culture of Russia.

I wish the competition named after A. Karamanov development, prosperity and new discoveries, and all those present — inspiration, strength and goodness in the name of life and love for music!


Plenipotentiary Representative
President of the Russian Federation
in the Crimean Federal District
O.E. Belaventsev


Dear friends!


I cordially congratulate you on the opening and the beginning of the work of the Xth anniversary International Competition of Young Pianists named after Alemdar Sabitovich Karamanov!

The competition has an important international and national importance in enriching creative ties, promoting the heritage of an outstanding composer, reviving and developing the centuries-old traditions of musical art.

I am convinced that this competition will expand the single international cultural space, leave unforgettable impressions for all its participants, will inspire young musicians to sail through the waves of creativity on a wonderful journey to uncharted shores.

Let this competition become a serious event in the life of the contestants, make everyone spiritually richer, let you see life in new colors and tones. I sincerely wish the young pianists good luck and success!


Minister of Culture of the Republic of Crimea
Arina Novoselskaya

People’s Artist, Member of the Union of Composers of the USSR, Author of the National Anthem of the Republic of Crimea, Laureate of the National Prize. Taras Shevchenko, the creator of 24 symphonies, including “SOVERSHISHESIA”, “STABAT MATER”, “REKVIEM”, “Chersonese”, the Founder of the musical direction “Religion in Symphony”.

Anthem of Crimea

A. S. Karamanov, author of the State Anthem of the Republic of Crimea


Year of creation: 1958

A. S. Karamanov is the author of the National Anthem of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (created in 1978, approved as the anthem on February 26, 1992).


History of creation

Initially, the musical work was written by order of the USSR Union of Composers in 1958 under the working title “Hymn to the Sun” for the forthcoming Olympiad-80, but was never used, having lain on the shelves in the offices of officials until 1992

This work was approved in 1992 as the Anthem of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

June 4, 2014. The State Council of the Republic of Crimea approved the anthem of the composer Alemdar Karamanov as state symbols.

People’s Artist, Member of the Union of Composers of the USSR, Author of the National Anthem of the Republic of Crimea, Laureate of the National Prize. Taras Shevchenko, the creator of 24 symphonies, including “SOVERSHISHESIA”, “STABAT MATER”, “REKVIEM”, “Chersonese”, the Founder of the musical direction “Religion in Symphony”.

Classics of world cinema

Triumph Over Violence (Russian: Obyknovennyy fashizm, Обыкновенный фашизм — ″Common fascism″) is a 1965 Soviet film directed by Mikhail Romm. The film is also known as Echo of the Jackboot in the United Kingdom and Triumph Over Violence in the United States. It is mainly in the form of annotated excerpts of archival film in order to describe the rise and fall of fascism, and especially the example of Nazi Germany.

Alemdar Karamanov is the author of music for various films, including “Ordinary Fascism”, “Strategy of Victory” M. Romm.

Some of the most prominent nonfiction documentary films of the Soviet era, 1965-1966.

Directed by Mikhail Romm. Soviet film director, People’s Artist of the USSR.


  Love with Privileges (Russian: Любовь с привилегиямиromanized: Lyubov s privilegiyami) is a 1989 Soviet film drama directed by Vladimir Kuchinsky











Strategy of Victory” is a color documentary with elements of fiction film, created by the creative association “Screen” of the USSR State Television and Radio Committee in 1984, on the eve of the 40th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. It was shown on the first program of the Central Television.

Artistic director — Galina Shergova.

Member of the Union of Composers of the USSR, People’s Artist, Author of the National Anthem of the Republic of Crimea, Laureate of the National Prize. Taras Shevchenko, the creator of 24 symphonies, including “SOVERSHISHESIA”, “STABAT MATER”, “REKVIEM”, “Chersonese”, the Founder of the musical direction “Religion in Symphony”.

Theater productions


Alemdar Karamanov is the author of musical works created by the order of various theaters in the country.


In St. Petersburg, at the Mariinsky Theater, A. Karamanov’s ballet “Stronger than Love” was staged (Leningrad Order of Lenin and the Order of the October Revolution Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after S. Kirov).


Musical play «The Glittering World» by A. Green

In Moscow, at the Bolshoi Theater, A. S. Karamanov’s ballet “Komsomoliya” was staged in collaboration with E. P. Krylatov.


In 1982–1983 the play The Fountain of Love, written by the Crimean writer dramatist Harold Bodykin based on the poem by A.S. Pushkin «Bakhchisarai Fountain», was set to music by an outstanding composer.
By Alemdar Karamanov. For two theatrical seasons the musical went on the stage of the Crimean Ukrainian Theater of Drama and Musical Comedy.

Download: Fontan_12016-149-178

People’s Artist, Member of the Union of Composers of the USSR, Author of the National Anthem of the Republic of Crimea, Laureate of the National Prize. Taras Shevchenko, the creator of 24 symphonies, including “SOVERSHISHESIA”, “STABAT MATER”, “REKVIEM”, “Chersonese”, the Founder of the musical direction “Religion in Symphony”.

Minor Planet Circ. 22501

(4274) Karamanov = 1980 RZ3

Planet them. A.S. Karamanova

In honor of the composer A. Karamanov in 1994, the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ITA RAS) on behalf of the International Astronomical Union (IAS) was given the name «Karamanov» to the minor planet No. 4274 KARAMANOV, opened on September 6, 1980 N.S. Black.


The planet is named after composer Alemdar Sabitovich Karamanov, who made a great contribution to world culture with works of art devoted to religion, famous for its religious symphonies, music for ballets, plays and films, piano concerts and other musical works.


«Alemdar Karamanov notes Download Free»


The most important thing is to do everything to be face to face with the gigantic energy that sent Karamanov music, and to us the music of Karamanov.

Musicologist Mikhail Kazinik




The transposition of the Holy Gospel in the language of music.


The symphony cycle of 10 symphonies after Matthew, Mark, Luke, Jaonne. The transposition of the Holy Gospel in the language of music.


Topic: «Religion in Symphony.»

Year of creation: 1965-1966.

The work was created by order of the Union of Composers of the USSR.

One of the most grandiose musical works of the composer.

The symphony cycle of 10 symphonies according to the gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Jaonne.

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Listen, download works of composer «SOVERSHISHASIA» Karamanov:

The symphony cycle of 10 symphonies after Matthew, Mark, Luke, Jaonne.

Alemdar Karamanov


Author of the creation of the work:

“Jesus Christ appeared to me in a spiritual way. I did not see him with my carnal eyes. He penetrated my whole being with the Holy Spirit and lifted him to heaven. And I walked for three days in heaven, and then began to write music and the spirit began to sing. «

Conductor: People’s Artist of the RSFSR Yuri Leonidovich Kochnev



Topic: «Religion in Symphony.»

Year of creation: 1971

The work was created by order of the Union of Composers of the USSR.

The product is world famous.

The Russian premiere of «Requiem» was held January 19, 2007 in the Moscow concert hall. P.I. Tchaikovsky, performed by the orchestra of Yuri Bashmet «New Russia» (conductor Yevgeny Bushkov) with the participation of the chapel. Yurlova.

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The right to complete the Moscow Christmas Festival was awarded to “ Requiem ” by Alemdar Karamanov, the greatest symphonist of our time, the author of many spiritual works, whom Alfred Schnittke called a true genius among talents. Conductor V. Spivakov. 

Alemdar Karamanov


Author of the creation of the work:

“At some point, something painful happened in my life, and I stopped writing altogether.

More precisely, any recording of music has ceased.

But I could not compose, so many compositions were in my head: a symphony, an opera (later it was destroyed) simply kept in memory.

And suddenly, Requiem — involuntarily rushed out of me, and I still wrote it in the clavier.

So he lay for five years, after which I went back to him, shortened it, cleaned it up and made a musical score.

Just two years ago, in 1994, I recalled the Mass, from which not a single note was recorded.


She lay there for nearly twenty years.

I pulled out the main themes and restored everything — which is why it is immensely valuable.

I embodied it in perfect form. This is such a beauty!

If I had forgotten her, it would be bad. ”

The twelve parts of my Requiem are a huge, real symphony.

A. Karamanov

“There is one thing that is available to very few, this is called revelation. This music is permeated with revelation, which seems to descend over a person from above. ”


Conductor: People’s Artist of the USSR Vladimir Spivakov



Symphonic work about the sufferings of the Virgin Mary at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Topic: «Religion in Symphony.»

Year of creation: 1967

The work was created by order of the Union of Composers of the USSR.

The product is world famous.

The world premiere of STABAT MATER was held in England in 1995, in the central Westminster Hall of London with the participation of the composer.

Подробнее Request for execution
With divine love for people. «I record music from the sheet music of Heaven and transfer this eternal sound to all of Humanity.»

Alemdar Karamanov


Author of the creation of the work:

This music will never get tired, because born of religion. She’s from there! Embodying these mighty forms, she herself becomes mighty.

A. Karamanov


Video author: Lyudmila Konstantinova

«HE WAS» (Apocalypse)


The cycle of six symphonies «Byst», after the Apocalypse (1976-1981).

Topic: «Religion in Symphony.»

Year of creation: 1976-1980

The work was created by order of the Union of Composers of the USSR.

The cycle «Byst», covers six symphonies — from the Eighteenth to the Twenty-third. (1976 to 1980)

The twenty-second symphony was written for a large orchestra.

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For the first time, the orchestra sounded 6 horns, 5 saxophones, 5 trombones, 4 flutes, 4 trumpets and more than 10 percussion instruments.

Alemdar Karamanov

«Let it be» (Apocalypse)

Дирижер: Vladimir Ashkenazy

Deutsches Sinfonie-Orchester, Berlin KaramanovSymphony No.22 — «Let it be«

Author of the creation of the work:

The fourth symphony — “Great City” — the image of Babylon, with its unbearable luxury. I really like this part: it is so colorful, spicy, intoxicating like drugs. How I would like to hear it — there is only 15-18 minutes of music! And in the fifth part — it is called “Byst” — the destruction of this Babylon is shown, or simply the greatest picture of destruction. This is a huge symphony for 45 minutes. Again, it says there: “Babylon fell, fell, a great hail!” — that’s all! And I made a huge canvas, showing the development, the effective beginning of this destruction. And the sixth is “Az the Jesus.” Here is the millennial kingdom of Christ. Satan hid where to follow, and the saints reign a thousand years!

A. Karamanov



Symphonic composition: 17th symphony.

Heading: “Symphonic Work”.

Year of creation: 1975

The work was created by order of the Union of Composers of the USSR.

The Russian premiere of the 17th symphony “America” was held in St. Petersburg by the St. Petersburg Academic Symphony Orchestra, the Smolny Cathedral Choir, conducted by A. Titov.

Orchestration by E. Gulbis.

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The symphony “America” was written in 1975 at the height of the Cold War between the USSR and the USA.

Alemdar Karamanov


Conductor: Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the St. Petersburg State Academic Symphony Orchestra, Professor of the St. Petersburg Conservatory, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation

Alexander Titov

Author of the creation of the work:

«The 17th Symphony» America «- about ancient, primeval America, the land of love and beauty»

A. Karamanov



Symphonic composition: 7th symphony in three parts.

Heading: “Symphonic Work”.

Year of creation: 1958

The work was created by order of the Union of Composers of the USSR.

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Very beautiful, colorful, impressionistic work, it begins as a “answer” by Debussy and Ravel. E. Poldyaeva

Alemdar Karamanov



Moscow Symphony Orchestra

Conductor: Vladimir Ziva

Concert in the Great Hall of the Conservatory.


«Ave Maria»

Piano composition.

Topic: «Piano Piano».

Year of creation: 1950

Подробнее Request for execution
Music is the conductor of the sounding world. Musical rain constantly sprinkles the earth. And from the earth, from people, music, like a wondrous flower, stretches to the sun, to heaven — above words, above stars, on par with God … 

A. Karamanov.

Алемдар Караманов

«Ave Maria»

Performed by: Alexey Botvinov


People’s Artist, Member of the Union of Composers of the USSR, Author of the National Anthem of the Republic of Crimea, Laureate of the National Prize. Taras Shevchenko, creator of 24 symphonies, including “SOVERSHISHESIA”, “STABAT MATER”, “REQUIEM”, “Chersonese”, Founder of the musical direction “Religion in symphonism”.
  • Five Preludes for piano (1953)
  • String Quartet No. 1 (1953)
  • Piano Sonata No. 1 (1953)
  • Eight Pieces (Variations) for piano (1954)
  • «The Seasons of the Year (Vremena goda)», twelve pieces for piano (1954)
  • Four Pieces for clarinet and piano (1954)
  • Variations for oboe and piano (1954)
  • Five Pieces for two oboes and piano (1954)
  • String Quartet No. 2 (1954)
  • «Fairy Tale (Skazka)», symphonic poem (1954)
  • Symphony No. 1 (1954)

In five movements.

  • Piano Sonata No. 2 (1954-1955)

Partly lost, except Finale movement “Rondeau”).

  • Symphony No. 2 (1955)

In two movements.
Revised in 1975.

  • «Five Children’s Pieces» for piano (1956)
  • «Forest Pictures (Lesnye kartinki)», suite for orchestra (1956)
  • Symphony No. 3 (1956)

In four movements:
1. Andantino — 17’37»
2. Moderato — 5’38»
3. Andantino — 7’55»
4. Allegro — 8’58»

CD Marco Polo 8.223796: Moscow SO, A. de Almeida (cond)

  • Symphony No. 4 «May» (1956)

In four movements.

  • Symphony No. 5 «W. I. Lenin» for narrator, solo voices, chorus and orchestra (1957)

Dramatorio on verses by Vladimir Majakovsky (in Russian) in three movements.

  • “Komsomolija”, one-act ballet (1957)

Composed with E. Krylatov.
Libretto by V. Varkovicky.

  • “Angarstroj”, symphonic poem (1957)
  • Symphony No. 6 «Sinfonietta» (1957)

In four movements.

  • Symphony No. 7 “Lunnoe more (Moon Night)” (1958)

In three movements.

  • Piano Concerto No. 1 (1958)
  • “The Seasons of the Year (Vremena goda)», choral cycle for mixed a cappella chorus (1959)


  • “Ballade” for voice and piano (1950s)
  • “Romances” for string quartet and piano (1950s)
  • “Ave Maria” for piano (1950s)
  • “Two Dances” for piano (1950s)

Published in 1959.

  • “Rodina” (“Fatherland”) for chorus (1950s)

On verses by Konstantin Simonov (in Russian).

  • Symphony No. 8 «Classical» (1960)

In four movements.

  • “To Slavs (Slavjanam)» for chorus (1960)
  • Suite for jazz orchestra (1960)
  • Piano Sonata No. 3 (1960)
  • Piano Sonata No. 4 (1961)
  • Variations for piano (1961)
  • “Heroic Dances (Geroicheskie tancy)», symphonic poem-suite for orchestra (1961)

In five movements.

  • “Stronger than Love (Sil’nee lubvi)», ballet (1961)

Libretto by B. Lavrenev.
Production: Malegot Theatre of Leningrad.

  • Piano Concerto No. 2 (1961)
  • Violin Concerto No. 1 (1961)
  • Oriental Capriccio for violin and orchestra (1961)
  • Six Etudes for piano 1960-1962
  • Symphony No. 9 «Liberation (Osvobozhdenie)» (1962)

In four movements.

  • «Music (Muzyka)» for cello and piano (1962)
  • “Prologue, Thoughts and Epilogue (Prolog, Mysl’ i Epilog)” for piano (1962)
  • “African Songs (Afrikanskie pesni)», vocal cycle for baritone and piano (1962)
  • On verses by African poets (in Russian translation).
  • «Music (Muzyka)» No. 1 for piano (1962)
  • «Music (Muzyka)» No. 2 for piano (1962)
  • Symphony No. 10 «Youth of the World» (1963)

In three movements.

  • “Song of Married Soldier (Pesnja zhenatogo soldata)», cantata for soloists, chorus and orchestra (1963)

On text by A. Machado-y-Ruiz (in Russian).

  • “The Crime was in Granada (Prestuplenie bylo v Granade)» for soprano, violin, flute and two pianos (1963)

To the memory of Federico Garcia Lorca.
On text by M. Hernandez (in Russian).

  • «Music (Muzyka)»for violin and piano (1963)
  • String Quartet No. 3 (1963)
  • “When You are Passing By (Kogda ty prokhodish’ mimo)», poem for tenor and piano (1963)

On text by L. Asampur (Alla Sampurova) (in Russian).

  • “Window into Music (Okno v muzyku)», sixteen children’s pieces for piano (1963)
  • Three Preludes for piano (1963)
  • Scherzo for clarinet and piano (1963)
  • Four Pieces for trombone and piano (1964)
  • Overture “Heroic” — “12th April (Geroicheskaja” — “12-e Aprelja)” for orchestra (1964)
  • Overture “Festival (Prazdnichnaja)” for orchestra (1964) Violin Concerto No. 2 (1964)
  • Five Preludes and Nineteen Concert Fugues for piano (1964)

New version in 1984: Fifteen Concert Fugues.

  • “The Autumnal (Osennee)” for chorus (1964)

On text by V. Firsov (in Russian).

  • “The Sparkling World (Blistajushchij mir)”, musical play with ballet (1962-1965)

After Aleksandr Grin.
Production: Crimean Music-Drama Theater of Simferopol.

  • Concerto for trumpet and jazz orchestra (1965)
  • Symphony No. 11 (1965)
  • Cycle of Symphonies Nos. 11-14 “Accomplished (Sovershishasja)» for soloists, chorus and orchestra (1965-1966)

After the Bible (Four Gospels and Psalm 117).
In ten movements with chorus in the Finale:
1. “Because God has Loved the World so Much (Ibo tak vozljubil Bog Mir)»
2. “Theirs Is the Kingdom of Heaven (Takovykh jest’ Carstvo Nebesnoe)”
3. “In Hebrew, in Greek, In Roman (Po-Evrejski, Po-Grecheski, Po-Rimski)»
4. “It is Accomplished (Sovershilos’)”
5. “He Who Was Pierced Through (Tot, Kotorogo pronzili)”
6. “Beating Himself with the Fist on the Chest (Udarjaja Sebja Kulakom v Grud’)»
7. “With Clothes, Embrocated by Ointments (Odezhdami, Smochennymi Aromatami)”
8. “He is Not Here. He is Resurrected (Ego zdes’ net. On voskres)”
9. “They Always Were in Church (Byli Vsegda v Cerkvi)”
10. “In the Glory of His Father (V slave Otca Svoego)”

  • Music to the Film «Ordinary Fascism (Obyknovennyj fashizm)» (1965-1966)

Produced by M. Romm.

  • Stabat mater for solists, chorus and orchestra (1967)
  • Piano Concerto No. 3 «Ave Maria» (1968)

In three movements:
1. Allegretto — 12’29»
2. Largo — 6’16»
3. Andantino — 14’37»

CD Marco Polo 8.223796: Moscow SO, A. de Almeida (cond), V. Viardo (piano)

  • “Requiem” for soloists, chorus and orchestra (1971)

Orchestral version in 1991.

  • “Messa” (1972)


  • Symphonies Nos. 15-16 “In Amorem Et Vivificantem” (1974)
  • “Remembrances (Vospominanija)» for chorus (1974)

On text by Alla Sampurova (in Russian).

  • Symphony No. 17 «America» (1975)
  • “Return”, “Dedication”, “Flying Leaves”, “Images-Pictures» («Vozvrashchenie”, “Posvjaschenija”, “Letjashchie listki”, “Obrazy-kartiny”), choral cycles (1975)

On texts by Alla Sampurova (in Russian).

  • “To You (Tebe)”, seven songs (romances) for coloratura soprano and piano (1975)

On texts by Alla Sampurova (in Russian).

  • Four Romances on verses by Russian poets for bass and piano (1975)
  • “Stars (Zvezdy)», vocal cycle for medium-range voice and piano (1975)

On verses by S. Shchipachev (in Russian).

  • Cycle of Symphonies Nos. 18-23 “Was (Byst’)” (1976-1980)

After St. John’s Revelation in New Testament.
“Poema Pobedy”; “Poem of Victory”

  • Symphony No. 18 «To He Who loves us (Lubjashchu ny)” (1980)

“Putjami svershenij”; “Roads of Accomplishments”

  • Symphony No. 19 “Blood of the Lamb (Kroviju Agncheju)” (1976)

“Pobede rozhdennyj” or “Rozhdennye dlja pobedy”; “Born to Victory” or “The Born for Victory”

  • Symphony No. 20 «Blessed are the Death (Blazhennii mertvii)» (1977-1978)

“Velikaja zhertva”; “Great Sacrifice”

CD Olympia OCD 486: USSR Radio SO, V. Fedoseyev (cond)

  • Symphony No. 21 “The Great City (Grad Velij)” (1978)

“Vsego Prevyshe”; “Higher Than All»

  • Symphony No. 22 “Let It Be (Byst’)” (1980)


CD Decca 452 850 2: Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, Vladimir Ashkenazy (cond)

  • Symphony No. 23 “I am Jesus (Az Iisus)» (1980)

“Reborn from the Ashes” or “The Risen from the Ashes”.

CD Decca 452 850 2: Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, Vladimir Ashkenazy (cond)
CD Olympia OCD 486: USSR Radio SO, V. Fedoseyev (cond)

  • “Fountain of Love (Fontan lubvi)”, musical (1982)

After A. Pushkin’s poem “Bahcisaray Fountain (Bakhchisarajskij fontan)”.

  • «Crimean (Krymskaja)», overture for orchestra (1982)
  • “Adzhimushkaj Legend-Fact (Legenda-byl’ Adzhimushkaja)» for soloists, chorus and orchestra (1983)

On text by B. Serman (in Russian).

  • Symphony No. 24 “Adzhimushkaj” (1983)
  • «Spring (Vesennjaja)» for orchestra (1984)
  • Music to the Film «Strategy of the victory (Strategija pobedy)» (1985)
  • Music to the Film «Love with Privileges (Ljubov’s privelegijami)» (1989)

Produced by V.Kuchins’ky.

  • “Hymn (Gimn)” (1992)

National Anthem of Crimean Republic (1958).

  • “Khersones”, mysteries (1994)

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